
Ebola Doc Craig Spencer Now Free of the Virus, Will Be Released From Hospital

ObserverArt11/10/2014 5:18:27 pm PST

Good news for doctor Craig Spencer.

Anyone remember the first week that Ebola came to America in Dallas?

Some of the discussion on this blog/forum was that at best we could expect a 90% death rate. Some said with proper care and treatments it would be 50-60%. There was some pretty good back and forth and I think even a little heated that it was 90% and that was the way it was.

Glad that we were all mostly wrong. And I guess that 50-60% weren’t so pie-in-the-sky after all. And thankfully no where near the scary 90%.

Part 2 - Ted and Daddy Cruz. The more I watch these two the more I think they are just grifting, one through politics tinged with religion and one through religion steeped in politics.

When you get down to it, they both seem to be in it for the money. I don’t think either one of them is all that damn serious in their actual positions but the power and the money of those positions surely interests. I get the feeling they even use and rely on each other to help create and feed the narratives. Since they are so popular with the wingnuts both are followed.

There was video of Ted spewing his BS after the election last week. He was making all kinds of pronouncement about Obamacare, illegality and lawlessness and the usual crap. And after every line he uttered, he had that goofy self-satisfied smile. Its just creepy, and it sure does make him look like he knows all he is doing is shoveling red meat cuttings to the masses and they eat it up. He makes used car salesmen look good.