
Pat Metheny: Garota De Ipanema

Nyet8/04/2011 3:13:26 am PDT

The Occidental Observer author hangs it all out:

Matt Parrott
July 31, 2011 - 10:44 pm | Permalink


Why is an argument from racial and ethnic nationalism necessary to put an end to unchecked immigration. There are many, many other good arguments for why mass immigration is insane and suicidal.

In theory, an argument from racial and ethnic nationalism is not necessary to put an end to unchecked immigration. In theory, it’s not even necessary to preserve the racial and ethnic nation.

Our advocacy team actively collaborates with groups across the political spectrum (all of which are explicitly against preserving our ethnic identity) to help reduce immigration.

But this isn’t really about the Muslim invaders. It’s not really about the Mexican invaders. It’s not really about the Black youth mobs. What it’s really about is a lack of a will of a people to live. As long as America and Europe are spiritually and ideologically hellbent on suicide, they’ll find new ways to keep hurting themselves. Even if ABB’s anti-Islamic crusade scenario were actualized throughout Europe, they would still be slaughtering their own offspring by the millions. They would still be barren. They would still be decadent and nihilistic. They would still be allowing Afro-Caribbean and myriad other populations to elbow in on their homeland.

Removing Islamic immigration from Europe is akin to hiding the gun from a man who’s suicidal. It may buy some time, but if a guy’s really set on killing himself, he’ll figure out some other way to do it.

I do believe that only an argument from racial and ethnic nationalism will be sufficient to steel Europeans to take the bold action necessary. After all, stopping illegal immigration and asylum fraud is insufficient. Reducing legal immigration to reasonable levels isn’t sufficient. Stopping legal immigration cold isn’t sufficient. Offering cash prizes for emigration isn’t sufficient. Deporting most of them isn’t sufficient. Only deporting each and every last non-White community from Europe is sufficient.

The sorts of mild arguments that operate within the mainstream paradigms and respectable bourgeoisie talking points are well and good for slowing the acceleration of the rate of our demise. But the radical steps necessary to actually reverse our course require the widespread acceptance of these radical ideas.

But let’s grant that one can find some clever angle to convince voters to deport all the non-Whites without requiring White Americans and Europeans to embrace their right to survive. That only solves the immigration dimension of our multifaceted problem. The mainstream paradigms and respectable bourgeoisie talking points would spell doom for the West if it were a fortified island continent.