
Live Audio: The FBI Moves in on the Malheur Refuge

calochortus2/10/2016 7:34:57 pm PST

re: #121 Testy Toad T

I’ve said this a few times now, but I’m beside myself with vague shame for how long I admonished the feds for doing this all half-assed.

[Critical statement: if these guys were black or muslim or whatever, they’d be dead, and that’s completely true, and that’s fucking terrible. Your cause or race or ideology should not be a factor in how you are punished for the laws you break, ever.]

The feds nailed this situation exactly. Zero point zero percent of the persuadable on-the-fence audience is watching this shit with anything other than laughter or lamented shaking of heads. These people are delusional, outwardly unserious, and utterly powerless by the standards of the world around them, and it was very important to show that.

They’re getting some support over at FR. A lot of concern over lawless FBI thugs and the like. Whining that liberal criminals and illegal aliens go free. Assurances that these folks weren’t bothering anyone. Not a lot of outright support for them though.