
New Michael Brown Shooting Witnesses: Brown Had His Hands Up When He Was Shot to Death

A Mom Anon9/11/2014 12:38:23 pm PDT

OK, can someone tell my why the wingnuts on my facebook feed are freaking the fuck out about someone being offended by the American flag right now? None of them link to anything, they’re just whining about how if you’re offended by the flag you must be a foreigner or an enemy of the US. WTF? Or is it just a day ending in y and 9/11?

One of the worst offenders is otherwise such a sweet guy, I love him. But he’s lost his damned mind in the last 5 or 6 years. Because he got robbed at gunpoint by a couple of black guys. OK, scary, but holy moly, he’s going to give himself a heart attack with all this hate festering. And it sucks, because he used to be my roommate back before I met The Husband, no romance, just buddies, and he’s funny and big hearted. Except for this shit. I hate it and I honestly don’t know how to deal with it short of ending the friendship.