
CIA: Russia Intervened in Our Election to Help Donald Trump Win

Scottish Dragon12/09/2016 7:51:43 pm PST

re: #128 Cheechako

Watching the Electoral College tide on LGF has been quite interesting. IIRC, before the election, many commentators were for the EC. After the election the comment tide seemed to shift to the position that the EC was out-dated and needed to be abolished. Now that trump has been proved to actually be an embarrassment and dangerous for the Country the tide seems to have shifted again to where the EC may be the last defense against the destruction of the Republic.

Am I remembering this correctly?

I have thought the EC needed to be canned for years…but that’s me.

We have never had an EC/popular vote this far out of sync…ever. Not even close.

Since we no longer have slaves and slave holding states holding onto that 3/5 compromise bit where they got to have extra speshul EC power…why the fuck do we still have an EC? It has been there all along propping up white power in old Dixie all the way through to the mid 1960’s when they finally let black folks start voting without the threat of being hanged by the neck or burned alive.

Whatever value it had as a check to populist threat has never been realized. If ever there was a time, it would be now.