
The Adorable Frisky Hopping Peccary Pups

ObserverArt11/16/2013 11:24:58 am PST

I’m letting all your comments cook. Some good points.

All I know, what we have now isn’t very good. How else could a group that is at a 9% approval rating do what they are doing if they weren’t already in somebodies pockets? At 9%, you really aren’t even listening to your own district so you have to be listening to ‘other’ influences. Any worry about them being bought in by lobbyists makes me wonder where the difference is from term limit to no limits. What really makes this group tick. Sometimes it seems even they do not know.

My thinking is maybe if there were limits, then the lobbyists and money people would have to find new puppets more often which means the strings might not be attached near as deep and run as long as they are with someone who’s had a seat for so long.

Just kicking it around. Part of what drives me to think what could be done is this Congress at this time (Obama) is unlike anything I’ve seen in my near 60 years. Talk about a “do-nothing” congress. Isn’t this crap unprecedented?