
Proof That John Oliver Can Even Make Mobile Homes (And the Exploitation of Their Owners) a Fascinating Subject [VIDEO]

Blind Frog Belly White4/08/2019 2:37:41 pm PDT

re: #132 Jebediah, RBG

Oh, I see.
Since I didn’t remember that either, I assumed that by the time Skynet started killing us, they would have preserved all computerized records and that by the time John Conner was an early teen fewer records would be paper only.
I should probably do my actual work instead of poking around at movies I can’t remember any details of…

Terminator has largely become a period piece. It took place before anyone had heard of the internet, so the idea that SkyNet would have access to all that information hadn’t occurred to anyone. Like most stuff in the era before PCs were everywhere, SkyNet was envisioned as a massive mainframe, tasked with defending the US from Soviet nuclear attack, so what it had access to was presumably just sattelite and radar feeds, maybe a little news.

In later Terminator movies, SkyNet became an entity that lived on the web. I think it might have started out on one computer, but once conscious it spread across the whole internet.