
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Rudy Tootie

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/04/2020 4:52:00 am PST

re: #134 Dr Lizardo

Oh yes, there’s money to be made in this (entirely self-inflicted) disaster. I forgot where I read it now, but the French had a “practice run” for a few hours the other week where all delivery transport was stopped and subjected to see what could be expected after the 1st of January.

The traffic jam on the M20 would end up so long, it would take about two days to clear. It’s gonna be mess of epic proportions - and the irony in all this?

The first ones who are gonna piss and moan about it all are the very people who voted Leave. I can all but guarantee it.

This might be the thing which triggers another referendum in Gibraltar to exit the Treaty of Utrecht and rejoin Spain.

Spain is busy completing an updated border crossing to deal with the hard customs border between Spain and Gibraltar.

I imagine the traffic jams will be worse than they were when I was stationed in Spain.