
Klinghoffer Speaks for Maimonides

Daria Emmons7/22/2009 9:09:03 am PDT

re: #1360 unreconstructed rebel

I claim to be one of those who hold to “theistic evolution”. For me the fundamental question is -are we intentional or just biological accidents? I find struggling with that fascinating.

BTW - no less an evangelical thinker than Jonathan Edwards thought animals other than humans are bound for heaven.

Good comment.

My underlying point is that evolution appears to propose humanity is an accident. To the extent that it does, I see a conflict with religion.

I believe - now that I skimmed over the broad outline of what theistic evolution is - the people I spoke to believed in theistic evolution rather than ID.

However, if humanity is deigned not an accident, I wonder ultimately how that comports with scientific understanding of evolution.