
Freaky Friday Afternoon Music Video: MAESTRO, "Darlin' Celsa"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/15/2015 8:24:30 pm PDT

UpChuck’s been tweeting his race-IQ fetish tonight, including re-tweeting some stats about SAT scores. I got curious, so I went to the College Board site to get reliable stats. These are the results for the 2014 test-takers.

Totaling up scores for Asians, African-Americans and whites gives the following:
Asian 1651
AA 1278
White 1576

Also note that Asians’ math scores (598) are highest of the three groups extracted, but their verbal and writing scores are not substantially different from white students’.

Chuck and the scientific racists he follows argue that these results are “proof” that African-Americans are less intelligent than whites and Asians. But if you look at the individual components, the difference between AA’s and whites is only about 100. Meanwhile, the standard deviations for each component is around 100. In other words, the “bell curves” for whites and for Asians overlap the bell curve for the African-Americans. If race — a cultural not a genetic construct — had anything to do with SAT scores, one would expect a wider separation than 100 points and less overlap among the self-declared ethnicities.

What the results mean, of course, is that whites and Asians are *somewhat* better at taking the SAT, not significantly better. And the difference between Asians and whites is basically negligible.

So, Chuck and his followers are full of shit.