
Texas Texts

Dark_Falcon9/15/2013 9:06:48 am PDT

re: #10 Randall Gross

Teaching the controversy is implying religion, regardless of how you want to characterize what he said. As his two statements indicate he’s fine with proselytizing in public schools.

“Teach the controversy” is of course precisely the right approach — for graduate students in biology and for those in theological studies. Like any living scholarly discipline, the study of evolution has some lively disputes — but whether Genesis 1 is a biological account of the origins of life on Earth is not one of them.

That is not a statement indicating Williamson favors “proselytizing in public schools”. He is clearly stating that controversies within evolution should be taught to graduate students in universities and that theological controversies should be dealt with for those taking theological studies classes. Neither such thing puts religion into science classes.

Guys, you really are going after things that aren’t there.