
Video: What the Ice Cores Tell Us

BigPapa2/04/2011 12:16:32 pm PST

re: #4 lawhawk

I am a member of, which uses my computer to run climate models when I’m not using it. It takes about 80 hours per simulation/year, then my computer will send the data back for a new test. They test modeling programs by running the models on previous years of weather since we know the outcome.

This uses the BOINC program. For any of you that leave your computer on most of the time and got the itch to ‘do something’ this is a no-brainer.

Oh, and Peter Sinclair is cranking out really good videos, biting, concise, yet with a little nuance of dry wit and warranted scorn eliciting the occasional smirk.

It’s clear that once the climate zombies come out of their stupor the fuel industries will make the tobacco industries look like pikers. There will be hell to pay dwarfing the blowback on Big Tobacco for their 30 years of BS and obfuscation.