
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/22/2011 4:06:15 am PST

Pat Buchanan has a new article out titled, get this, “Barack Hussein Alinsky”.

Just as part of his overwrought verbiage, Buchanan’s concluding paragraphs:

What Obama has done will come back to haunt him. He has encouraged if not incited an angry and alienated left that lost the country in a free election to overturn the results of that election by street protests and invasions of state capitols.

As the huge antiwar demonstrations in the 1960s broke the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and sought to break the presidency of Richard Nixon, Obama and his cohorts are out to break Wisconsin.

One hopes the people of Wisconsin will stand up to this extortion being carried on with the blessing of their own president.


And as expected, the crowd at Townhall are eating it up.