
Romney: Poor Mothers Should Be Required to Work Outside the Home

Talking Point Detective4/15/2012 9:49:05 am PDT

re: #7 A Mom Anon

Where are these jobs all the mommies are supposed to get their dignity from Mitt? Would those jobs perhaps,oh,I don’t know,pay enough to support those kids in the daycare system you’re going to create to take care of them? Will these jobs and daycare establishments be close to the Mom’s home? Or will she have to ride a bus for an hour or more each way to her job? What happens if the boss decides she has to work overtime and the daycare is closing or fines her for being late to pick up her child? Better still why not offer these moms some shot at a degree or trade school and take care of the kiddies while they do that?

You know,I have no issue with rich people. UNLESS they run their mouths about how the rest of us should be living by their ohsospecial decree when they have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about. Just.Shut.Your.Piehole. Unless you have something reality based or actually practical to offer.

God help me I’m OVER this bullshit.

I once worked in a welfare-to-work program where we were teaching English to (mostly Cambodian) immigrants. Some of these folks were middle aged, never spent a day in school in their lives, never had the experience of associating symbols with sounds as required in our reading and writing system. They had hard lives - most were women with kids whose husbands left them after they came to the States (a common reaction to living in a different cultural context). They were expected to learn English in one year sufficiently to get a job - otherwise lose their welfare benefits.

In point of fact, even if they could learn English, they would have to ride a bus two ways, maybe 1 hour each way, for a minimum wage job. Meanwhile, they’d have to pay a shitload in childcare.

Needless to say, some of them were not highly committed to the process of learning English (think of what a daunting task given their background). For example, maybe they would not come to class when it wasn’t clear that they were very sick (perhaps maybe they stayed home to take care of a sick kid).

What amazed me was how condescending were many of my colleagues. These were people who specifically chose the work of teaching English to immigrants. And mind you, they were certainly not rich people. But they would speak of the students as lazy, as basically, contemptuous liars.