
Voter ID Laws: Why Do Minorities Lack ID to Show at the Polls?

garhighway10/03/2012 3:39:17 pm PDT

re: #3 Daniel Ballard

re: #2 nines09

How do you square that with the very real disadvantages of not having ID for common transactions?

Do you recognize the implicit assumption that underlies the question? It assumes that “minorities” don’t know what they need to do manage their lives. That their lack of ID is a problem that they refuse to solve.

Most who don’t have a drivers license don’t need one or don’t qualify for one. Many have other characteristics that reduce their need for ID: they don’t bank, they don’t own real estate, they don’t have a car.

That’s not to say that for some, getting an ID would be easy. It isn’t, especially for those who are elderly and infirm. (They are precisely the same people who, until voter ID, didn’t need one.)

But you are blurring two issues that ought not be blurred. One is about denying Americans a fundamental right. The other is about an inconvenience.