
Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Makes Up Another Fake Story to Smear Hagel, GOP Runs With It

lawhawk2/14/2013 11:58:36 am PST

The original story is the entire fabrication of what is going on with Hagel. Plain and simple, Shapiro simply went and made up the entire thing.

It’s a lie. A huge one at that.

Normally, that kind of lie and journalistic misrepresentation would be grounds for firing, but Breitbart apparently has no problem keeping him on board.

At the same time, none of the others who linked to the report questioned the veracity of his astounding claims. None of these usual suspects are backing away from Shapiro because it doesn’t fit their worldview. They’re hanging on to it despite logic or facts. It’s laziness on their part as well as active malfeasance. They’re purposefully hoping people wont notice that they’re running a completely bogus story and hope that if it’s repeated enough times in enough outlets someone might take it seriously despite the fact that the original report has no actual facts involved and can’t actually produce evidence that the Friends of Hamas group exists.

Put simply, it’s a group that doesn’t exist.

It doesn’t pass the smell test. Everyone knows, or should know Hamas is a terrorist group on the State Department terror list. Who in their right mind would create a “Friends of.. Hamas” group? has no such group and no one with Hamas in the name donated to Hagel.