
Glenn Greenwald's Grand Finale That Wasn't

J A P7/09/2014 1:41:27 pm PDT

I feel a little funny fixating on the DKos thread that raina mentioned (comment number 60) but some of the comments in there really remind me of why I parted ways with the far left, although it was years ago now. One person wrote:

Abolish the NSA and the CIA. Simple. (9+ / 0-)

The War OF Terror is U.S. Imperialism.

Now, I know that all people on the left are not that simplistic, but there are way too many of them for me. While I have opposed, and still oppose, U.S. Imperialism, and opposed the war in Iraq and many other things over the years, I don’t have any illusions that the U.S. is somehow the unique source of evil in this world. I don’t know what abolishing the CIA and the NSA would accomplish. Now, that doesn’t mean I approve of everything we do, but we just don’t live in such a black and white world.

Sometimes, I feel so alone when I see a gray, complicated world. The U.S. is not divinely ordained to spread democracy, nor is it the source of all the world’s trouble. Many of the faults of the U.S. are human faults we share with a great many countries and we all have to strive to improve.