
New Poll: 51% of Likely GOP Voters Are Birthers

SanFranciscoZionist2/15/2011 4:56:47 pm PST

re: #128 LudwigVanQuixote

On another side note.. a little birdy told me that there is an entire thread on the village of the banned wishing me and my girl all sorts of ill will last night. I haven’t looked. However, I must point out to those reading this from there, but really how pathetic are you if you are spending Valentine’s day blogging about someone else who is actually with someone on Valentine’s day? Honestly, guys, a little tip to you, if you stop being hateful, drunken and semi-literate, girls might dig you. Chen, it would also help if you moved out of your mom’s house.

But they are, of course, just a parody site, and the nicest of people. We’re obsessed with them. Really.