
Instapundit Says: The Solution Is More Guns, Fewer Gun-Free Zones

Jocko's Rocket Ship12/14/2012 8:29:17 pm PST

Heh. if grade schools teachers need to be firearm-trained rent-a-cops in addition to their lazy (union) teaching duties, you need to pay them for that. That will add a lot to govt budgets. Hmm, what to do? Right to work, meet for Need-to-Pack law for teachers. Don’t like it do something else lazy socialist teachers.

After you militarize schools, that only leaves exposed areas to mass killings to … everywhere. Even on a military base, Fort Hood, where everyone was highly trained and armed, someone - not even a “soldier” but a MD - killed 13 people and wounded 29. But he was a Muslim so that doesn’t count. And not one of those highly trained soldiers managed to get a shot off to kill, just winged him. Glenn would have done better I’m sure.