
Friday Afternoon Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Nice to Meet You'

Cato the Elder3/26/2010 11:38:37 pm PDT

re: #1406 SanFranciscoZionist

Then again, as far as these folks are concerned, I might not be white.

Although, AFAIK, I could have some ‘Southern Confederate Heritage’. Not sure.

I got my census form on Monday. The regular, unobtrusive, innocuous short form.

Two days later I got a postcard reminding me that filling out the census form is my legal obligation.

For that they are so antsy about it and all, I am now going to write “Roman citizen” in the line provided for “other” under the race question.

If they contact me, I’ll inform them that as a Catholic I am entirely within bounds.

Because I can.

And we’ll take it from there.

The right wing is not alone in wanting to fuck with the government. There was a huge anti-census movement on the left the last time Germany tried to implement a thorough head-count. One might almost say the Germans had learned a lesson or two.