
Sarah Palin's Hateful Word Salad of the Day

Killgore Trout6/02/2014 2:00:43 pm PDT

Anthony Bourdain Blasts MSNBC’s ‘Pointless Shrieking’ to the Choir

Bourdain contrasted that attitude with the one he sees on networks like MSNBC. “I hate preaching to the converted,” he said. “A nightmare would be for me to sit in a room where everybody totally agrees with everything I say.”

“You know, MSNBC, it’s like every show they’re saying ‘look at what these stupid Republican morons did today,’” Bourdain continued. “I’m guessing there aren’t a lot of Republicans watching that channel. You’re not changing hearts and minds that way, it just seems kind of pointless to me, to shriek at each other that way, especially on issues like guns.”

“There’s some common ground to be had and I just don’t think that kind of shrieking is helpful,” he said. And if talking through the issues doesn’t work, he said he wished people who disagree would at least “have a beer together, eat some fucking barbecue, listen to some Lynyrd Skynyrd, and fucking relax dude, you know?”

Fucking relax? Outrage!