
Einstein Wins the Great Race

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/29/2009 12:28:45 pm PDT

re: #139 Yashmak

Yes, of course you’re right. The MW would again recede to a small highly blue-shifted blob, but AHEAD of them, instead of behind. I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me sooner.

It’s all good.

Relativity is something you have to live with for a few years - working the problems- before it gets a bit less mysterious.

The issue that always bothered me in graduate school is that there is not relative time for a photon, i.e. the moment of it’s birth is the same as the moment of it’s death and it’s transit as far as it is concerned.

However, the fact that they are created and destroyed implies passage of time.

The answer to the problem is just what I said before, the photon’s birth is it’s death as far as it is concerned.