
Greenland Ice Melting Faster Than Ever

katemaclaren11/17/2009 3:00:26 pm PST

re: #131 Sharmuta

I’m afraid the answer is—we won’t and we can’t. And when I say “we”—I mean that globally. …and I do mean “afraid.” Not for me—but for the next generations. I’m not a gloom and doomer—but I do think that it will take something shocking—not shrinking Greenland—because it was, indeed, once green—I mean a shocking bit of information—that will change the collective mind. Oddly, I feel that it won’t be an event, but it will be what we discover—something simple—that can be done easily which will end up solving any manmade factor in the equation. I’m thinking that plastic is probably at the center of my supposition.