
Virginia House Republican Wards Off the Antichrist

iceweasel2/12/2010 11:08:53 am PST

re: #112 marjoriemoon

How does 666 fit in with the mark of the beast? Is that a birth date?

It’s the next line— Rev 13:18:

Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Wiki says most scholars take it to be a reference to Nero; some argue it’s a mistranslation and is actually 616. More here.

The End Times nuts can make it mean anything they want, and often do. For example, I can remember hearing theories way back in the day that 666 referred to the number of letters in a name: Ronald Wilson Reagan. I’m not making this up!

Just pure distilled crazy. People will also add the numbers up, multiply them, subtract random numbers, just to provide a ‘proof’ that “the Beast” is whoever they have a hateon for at the moment.