
Allahpundit Spins Judge Napolitano's Defense of BP As Napolitano Appears on Alex Jones Show

Mich-again6/24/2010 9:30:57 pm PDT

re: #95 Irenicum

Wow. The seventies was a very weird decade. No wonder I’m like I am.

Very weird decade. The things that went on every day in middle school would probably make the National news today. We were all delinquents. Even the smart kids. When I tell young people some of the stories about the shenanigans we got into all the time, they just shake their head in disbelief.

Like getting high with the football coaches after games in 8th grade. Or throwing snowballs at cars after school every day in the winter. Or being gone from morning to night riding our bikes 20 miles from home in the Summer with the folks having no idea at all where we were. Or seeing who could rip off the most stuff from a store, with a winner take all for the prize. I could go on all day. We were horrible kids by todays standards. And that was at a Catholic school. The public school kids were even worse!