
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Yashmak6/02/2009 11:12:53 am PDT

re: #119 zigaretten

It means that if I can discount the connections between our beloved President and a known bomber then I can ignore any connections between these two.

I doubt you ignored the connections between our President, and the bomber in question (not that it has anything to do with this)…but I have no way of knowing of course. My question is, do you feel you SHOULD ignore the possible connection between this organization and the murder of a doctor? Is it right to ignore such a connection, if it might exist? I imagine you didn’t think so about the connection between Obama and Ayers…so why would you feel so uninterested in this case?

Just like this other guy, the Muslim convert who killed the soldier. He has no doubt had contact with any number of Muslims. In fact, he traveled to Yemen. That doesn’t mean there was some conspiracy or that Yemen is really responsible for his actions.

If there was evidence (even if only circumstantial) of such a connection or conspiracy, shouldn’t it be looked into?