
Amazing New Music Video From Fiona Apple: I Walk a Little Faster (Underwater)

Lupin7/12/2018 3:28:58 am PDT

More thoughts about the NATO kerfuffle.

With the 97-2 nigh-unanimous strongly-worded US Senate resolution yesterday, despite the old canard of not undermining the President while he’s abroad, it is clear that the Senate did just that.

In effect the word if the US president is either (a) not worth the paper it’s printed on; or (b) you’re already in full blown constitutional crisis.

You sort it out.

Behind the bluster, the cowardice. Ultimately, Trump did not threaten to pull out of NATO despite it all, at least according to two NATO sources speaking to Reuters. Asked if he had issued the threat to quit the military alliance, both sources said: “No”.

It’s all kabuki, but dangerous kabuki because even though the fat buffoon doesn’t attach any importance to his words, everyone else does..