
Glenn Reynolds: Anti-Muslim Craziness Is All Obama's Fault

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/17/2010 12:16:55 pm PDT

re: #137 researchok

The reason bigotry in the south was so long lived had a lot to do with politics- for decades, Democrat politics kept racism front and center.

Oh for fuck’s sake, dude, you’re better than that shit.

I agree we’ve come a long way and that is my point. Today, Racism is marginal and has been for decades. Scare tactics aside, I do not believe we’re going back. We may have more work to do but the Bull Connor days are over.

Really— after the attacks on ACORN, after the attacks on Shirley Sherrod, in the face of the huge numbers of GOP members who think Obama is a Muslim or question where he was born, after the “Black Panthers!!!eleventy!” meme is kept alive for months upon months, after Limbaugh’s constant race-baiting, after the race-based attacks on Sotomayor, after all of this, you still conclude that racism is marginal and has been for decades. So it was marginal in 2000, when McCain was smeared with the rumor he’d fathered an illegitimate black child?

Seriously, dude.