
Thursday Night Jam: Bonnie Raitt Performs Live, for Amazon Front Row 2016

lawhawk12/23/2016 8:52:47 am PST

Trump’s nonsensical tweets yesterday about the F18 and F35, coupled with his tweets about the nuclear arsenal show that he has no clue as to what the US military is about, let alone its capabilities. No one surrounding him is able to get through to him either - and it’s clear that he doesn’t want to know.

His tweets about the F-18 and F-35 somehow being interchangeable as though you could suddenly make a non stealth F-18 into a purpose built 6G F-35 showcased his sheer dumbassery. It’s as though he thinks Boeing can just go ahead and order the stealth package as though it was an option in the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog or it was the Royale Brougham package on the old Olds 88 and makes it into a Rolls Royce competitor.

This is dangerous, not only for his stunning ignorance, but that he’s surrounded himself with people who refuse to confront his ignorance and set him straight.

His party wont do it.

The media seems unwilling to do it.

It’s up to everyone else to make the dangers known and identify how to stop this dangerous man and his extremist cabal.