
Pro Lifer Discusses Shooting Abortion Providers

EdDantes4/24/2013 1:08:29 pm PDT

re: #125 Charles Johnson

Sorry, I have to differ. I kept a very close watch on right wing reactions after Tiller’s murder, and the number of right wing commentators who supported and applauded it was definitely not a tiny minority at all. And those were just the public figures — commenters at right wing blogs overwhelmingly either outright supported the murder, or used weasel words to say something to the effect of, “well, I don’t approve of it, of course, but Tiller was a mass murderer of babies after all.”

I have no way of measuring numbers for these reactions, but I just don’t believe it’s accurate to say that a majority of right wingers denounced Scott Roeder.

Of course they did! I respect the fact that this is your website and that you allow me to stay here, but please don’t make these sweeping generalities against those who are to the right of you.