
GOP Rebranding Watch: NC Republicans Sponsor Bill to Declare Christianity the State Religion

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/03/2013 3:42:50 pm PDT

In other interesting but not-quite-the-news:

Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Dollar


The coins bearing President Roosevelt’s image represent the twenty-sixth in the series of Presidential Dollar coins, and the second to be issued in 2013. The obverse depicts Roosevelt, the time in office (1901-1909), and the motto “In God We Trust”. The reverse shows the Statue of Liberty in the same design as been depicted on all Presidential dollars. The edge has the motto “E PLURIBUS UNUM”, the year of issuance, and the mint mark.

The Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Dollar will be released on April 11th, 2013. As Presidential Dollar coins are still being produced under the Treasury Department’s suspension of production of the dollar coin for general circulation. They will only be available directly from the U.S. Mint in the following products…

The dollar coin debate that has now raged over decades is something to behold. Paper bills that the Fed uses wear out quickly, but coins last. Yet Americans love their paper (even the Paul-ites carry it), though a coin would make more sense and save money.

Even though it would save money to use coins instead of paper, the Treasury has had to cease operations to insert dollar coins into circulation (remember the previous programs trying to circulate coins?)