
Sarah Palin's Hateful Word Salad of the Day

The Ghost of a Flea6/02/2014 2:02:16 pm PDT

Allen West Pretty Sure Bowe Bergdahl’s Dad Made The White House A Mosque

West says that he got an email from Clare Lopez, a “former CIA operations officer” who knows all sorts of stuff about Islam and the Middle East, and who is a personal friend of one Allen West. Lopez completely blows the lid off a huge cover-up, he says!

She emailed me this morning a very poignant analysis that only someone knowing language and Islam could ascertain. She wrote:

“What none of these media is reporting is that the father’s (SGT Bowe Bergdahl’s father Bob) first words at the WH were in Arabic - those words were “bism allah alrahman alraheem” - which means “in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful” - these are the opening words of every chapter of the Qur’an except one (the chapter of the sword - the 9th) - by uttering these words on the grounds of the WH, Bergdahl (the father) sanctified the WH and claimed it for Islam. There is no question but POTUS knows this.”

Folks, there is a lot to this whole episode — like Benghazi — that we may never know. And this is not conspiracy theory, it is truth based upon Arabic and Islamic dogma and tradition.
