
Is Syria Supplying Hezbollah with Scud Missiles?

lostlakehiker4/21/2010 11:23:40 am PDT

Hizbullah doesn’t exactly have SCUDS. They probably don’t even have personnel who can prepare them for launch and program their targets and launch them. Instead, Iran’s armed forces have incorporated Hizbullah’s militias, arming them and training them, and no doubt provided cadres who can tend to the technical difficulties of SCUD use.

Iran must be held responsible for anything done with those SCUDS. [Assuming this report is correct.] They made them, they man them, they paid for them, and if they’re fired, they fired them. Hizbullah is in any case funded and directed by Iran.

Unfortunately, the current administration seems inclined to the view that Israel deserves whatever it gets, since it had the effrontery to build housing in the suburbs of Jerusalem.