
Overnight Open Thread

Gus6/16/2010 1:52:57 am PDT

re: #145 teleskiguy

Reposted from downstairs:

Looking through LGF the last day or so has driven me to drink! I’m glad there’s a beacon of hope with sane conservatives and moderates on the web, in the form of Charles’ classy site. But puh-leeze! I’m starting to agree more and more with Mike Judge’s cinematic thesis Idiocracy. With that thought, I leave a Devil’s Dictionary definition:

FAITH, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.

It’s hard to grasp so much of the recent political craziness of late. Although more than of late it really began in after 911 and the first sightings of the craziness was with the truthers. I like the idea of moderation and suppose I always have. Perhaps it comes from reading some of Aristotle’s ideas on moderation.

Faith can also apply to politics or even day to day interactions between people. This can be either a negative faith or a positive faith which is based on pre-conceived expectations. I suppose that can play into our optimism or pessimism in how we expect certain policy decisions to play out. So “belief without evidence” can be a part of conspiracies or what is sometimes called nontroversies at LGF.