
GOP Creationists File Federal Lawsuit to Stop Kansas From Teaching Evolution

EPR-radar9/27/2013 12:31:31 pm PDT

re: #145 celticdragon

The funny thing is that only one person in the group would really have stood out as upper middle class or higher…since he was an OB/GYN.

The others were lower 50% types who talked a lot of shit about how worthless everybody else was.

It is a continuation of how the upper class in the South used to wink and nod at white cracker farmers and tell them that at least they weren’t black…

Gin up outrage over how somebody else is supposedly getting one over on you is a fantastic tactic to keep the proles fighting each other.

That pattern is playing out in a big way over public sector union/pension issues. The trick of saying ‘how dare these public sector leeches have unions and pensions that you don’t have’ really is working entirely too well.