
Video: Barack Obama Mocks 'Grumpy Cat' Republicans

bratwurst10/23/2015 7:44:53 pm PDT

We are going to learn a lot more at the debate next week. Perhaps Jeb! will show up full of piss and vinegar ready to duke it out, but I seriously doubt it. If he is having money issues now, what is it going to be like when he is soundly beaten in two of the first three contests? He has ZERO chance for a good result in Iowa, and a only slightly better chance in South Carolina. You’d assume he could manage in New Hampshire, but that is not really a given either.

Again, it might happen and obviously the establishment is behind him. Having said that, the establishment has never been weaker (take the dumpster fire in the House as an example of this) and is in no position to make chicken salad out of chicken shit. I predict it is just a matter of time before Rubio becomes the official anti-Trump.