
About Glenn Beck's Extremist Rhetoric, Part 2

senator4/08/2009 12:36:17 pm PDT


Your posts seem to be becoming increasingly reactionary, almost as bad as the far-right broadcasts on FoxNews you claim to despise. I’ve seen more disrespect on your blog aimed at other conservatives in the past 3 months than in the past 6 years I’ve been coming to this site, and I think you may be losing perspective here.

Not that you owe him (or anyone) any respect, because of course you don’t, but people like Glenn Beck aren’t ruining the GOP. What is most damaging is the infighting (Reagan warned of this) that results from people who are “afraid of what the neighbors might think, ” with the neighbors in this case being the left (since they have been the most adamantly opposed to Republican populist media). Since when did we feel the need to validate and then placate them in their allegations, anyway?

Republicans have always been the best at savaging one another, because there seems to be less tolerance over hair-splitting the issues among those our party (i.e. moderate republicans bad-mouthing the Christian-right, the Christian-right bad-mouthing the moderates, and those with contempt for traditionalists because they make us look naive, etc.). The democrats excel at exploiting this weakness, and will turn the cracks that we ourselves (the blogosphere) create into fissures that can’t be closed.

Instead of trying to bash Glenn Beck, the creationists, Ron Paulians, etc… Why not try ignoring them for a while and stick to the issues that made this blog one of the best on the web - and the reason I started reading you after your switch from being a democrat in the wake of 9/11 - Good analysis of terrorist threats, the political machine of the left and the bias of the mainstream media. :)



Come back, Charles. We miss you.