
State of the Union Address, The Wrap-Up

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)1/25/2012 6:03:05 am PST

re: #146 Obdicut

Yeah, it’s so hard sorting out things like the morale value of the general— and whether or not that should be evaluated as part of military value. It’s a really interesting subject. In some armies, it’s amazing how close the soldiers feel to the general above them.

I believe Patton once said that once an operation was planned his main role was being a cheerleader. And beyond that I think making sure things were moving.

That’s where you get into generals that are popping around the front making sure people are doing their jobs as compared to those in their command centers making sure the different parts of a complex operation are working. The former can potentially see something to take initiative on, but at risk of being out of contact as well. Different personality sets, and which is better would heavily depend on situation, assets, and training of their troops.