
Felix Baumgartner's 24-Mile High Space Jump, Captured by His GoPro Camera

Justanotherhuman2/01/2014 6:19:56 am PST

“Soros has provided money and organizational aid to small-d democrats in the Ukraine in the past…” Source? Amounts, etc?

I’ve seen that meme about Soros financing “the revolution” and it’s simply not true, so not true that it’s disappeared, except in certain quarters.

This is an organic movement, consisting of parliamentarians and other groups, that has been in the making for a long time. People are fed up with the criminal bureaucratic oligarchs that rule Ukraine and the effect they have on the ordinary people’s livelihood and well being. We’ve already seen how oppressive and suppressive the Yanukovych govt has been on protestors.

BTW, I don’t think Yanukovych is concerned with Fox News viewers. He’s more concerned with keeping Moscow’s support and money.