
The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights

A Mom Anon2/19/2014 5:31:17 am PST

I swear, if I didn’t use Facebook to keep track of my kids and grandkids, I’d have no use for it period. I’ve already whittled my friends list down to 25 people and I may have to take it down to half that pretty soon.

I am sick to death of getting shit about not posting this or that thing about autism or “special needs” kids on my wall as some sort of slacktivist show of support and solidarity. SERIOUSLY? I have spent the last 20 years raising a kid on the spectrum, full time, with little help from any of those same people trying to make me feel like shit now. Where were they when I was scared and didn’t know what was happening? Where were they when I sat in countless IEP meetings advocating for my son and his education? Did any of them visit, write and call the school board when he was denied the chance to walk with his class for graduation over some bullshit rule that had only gone into effect 2 weeks before graduation? Where were they when the insurance companies denied coverage for therapies and I had to learn to be a speech and occupational therapist full time? Where were they when he was bullied and ostracized by his peers? Where were they when he was dealing with all that? Not a phone call, not a word of encouragement, not shit, that’s where they were.

Holy crap people are stupid assholes. The sad thing is, some of these people are family and should fucking know better.