
Video: President Obama Sings Al Green at the Apollo Theatre

Killgore Trout1/20/2012 6:23:20 am PST

Top of the Rec List at Dkos….
Occupy movement goes to Harlem, screws up completely.

Protesters broadcast their anger with signs and jeers, including Bob Nash, who came to protest from Cold Spring Harbor with a sign criticizing Obama for his relationship with Wall Street.
“Wall Street has been bailed out and the American people have been sold out because of Obama,” he said.

Others sang, “Obama is a Nazi.”

Passersby said they were angered by the protesters’ presence. One group of four encouraged protesters with signs to “use that shit for toilet paper.”

“They have a right to protest, but not to classify him as a Hitler,” Harlem resident Wesley Ward said. “He came in when the seat was hot. He ain’t kill nobody like Hitler did.”

This is what happens when you go from being a 99% movement channeling the broadly accepted views of the American people to just another leftwing white liberal bitchfest.