
67% of Americans Approve of Obama's Diplomatic Approach to Syria

Kragar9/17/2013 12:07:57 pm PDT

Larry Klayman (alleged pedophile) calls for coup against Obama

As conservative attorney and outspoken birther Larry Klayman sees it, the only recourse is for “people of faith and all true patriots” to take matters into their own hands and “cleanse the nation of the half-Muslim, anti-white, socialist fraud in the White House before the nation goes under for the final count.”

A piece by Klayman published Monday in Renew America serves as a gold mine of conservative fringe fantasies.

Citing “Benghazi-gate, to IRS-gate, to Navy SEAL Team VI-gate, to Fast and Furious-gate, to NSA-gate,” Klayman lamented that Congress is unlikely to “to remove the mullah-in-chief from office.” And with the courts taking a pass on weighing in on President Barack Obama’s “phony birth certificate,” that leaves only one option, according to Klayman.

“I therefore call upon all American patriots, once we obtain this conviction, which we will shortly, to converge on Washington,” Klayman wrote. “Millions should stand in front of the White House and other national treasures and demand that Barack Hussein Obama leave. If the Egyptians can do this with regard to another radical Muslim, former president Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, then can’t we Americans do it with Obama?”

He added: “And, when we do converge on and “Occupy Washington” in the millions on a date to be announced for the week before Thanksgiving, the people may think about chanting: “Mr. President (to use the term loosely), put the Quran down, get up off your knees and come out with your hands up!”“