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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/05/2014 6:14:16 pm PDT

Looks like KT has found an ally:

Herman Cain’s Website Compares Gays To ‘The Borg’ Of Star Trek


And just to make sure you get the message, they won’t just try to silence you today. They’ll go back through your history and find out if you’ve spoken up in the past, and punish you for that - maybe by putting pressure on your employer to take away your job. Or maybe they will conscript the power of government, forcing you to provide them services that your faith would suggest you should not provide.

This movement is evil, not because homosexuality is a “worse sin” than other sins, but because its champions are trying to not only silence but in many cases destroy those who disagree with them. The gay movement understands something. They understand that in order for their movement to ultimately succeed, they need to turn the entire culture into a mindless army of obedient adherents like the Borg on Star Trek. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.