
The Onion's AV Club: Glenn Greenwald Loves Sony, Now That They've Bought the Rights to His Book

simoom5/15/2014 1:45:01 pm PDT

GG comparing Bigelow to Nazi-sympathizing German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl:

But, says Bigelow, that is not her responsibility: she is merely depicting, not advocating. Without comparing the crimes involved, that was always the controversy surrounding German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, widely hailed as one of the most brilliant and innovative filmmakers of the 20th Century, yet also widely despised for producing films that glorified Nazism and excluded all of its crimes. One of her principal defenses - I was simply showing what was taking place, not judging - has been rather vehemently rejected by most commentators, because it (at best) naively ignores the obvious effects of what she produced, and because she had a responsibility to judge those crimes.