
Omniscient Bus Driver Refuses to Drop Woman off at Planned Parenthood

iceweasel7/24/2010 10:08:41 pm PDT

re: #13 Gus 802

Of course they’re trying to write this up as him being fired for his “pro-life views.” He wasn’t fired for his pro-life views. He was fired for refusing to provide a service for which he was hired to do.

Great post, thanks. This is exactly their strategy every single time: spin their bullshit into a fake ‘war on christians’ or claim they’re being discriminated against— every single time they are not allowed to impose their views on others, receive special treatment and special protection for their desire to impose their beliefs on others.

it’s sickening. And it is exactly the same mindset that is shrieking that civil right groups and those who call out racism are the real racists, etc. Breitblart: I’m the victim here! and so on. Ugh.