
A little summary of events and a reflection or two:

researchok2/24/2011 3:56:08 am PST


True for the most part, but let’s be clear.

The progressive movement tent is not that open to people like me- moderate and right of center. As one serious commenter here once noted, ‘there is never room for compromise’. From where I stand, that is not an ideology to which I can ever feel comfortable with.

Politics has become a zero sum game. There is no room for opposing ideas or even differing views. At best we have a phony ‘tolerance’ of the other by each side.

The irony is Americans are a most tolerant lot, notwithstanding the efforts of each side to paint the other as extreme. Notwithstanding the hysterical efforts of the extremes that claim to speak for majority, Americans usually plot a steady course. When we get into trouble we have a unique ability to self correct.

We in the middle don’t really care who you vote for, where or if you pray, where you came from or what language you speak at home. We care that you are a good neighbor, look out for the kids on the block and make sure our mail is picked up when we go on vacation.

It is the extremes that need the illusion that we are irreconcilably different. It is the extremes on either side who need class and racial warfare. Why? Because if they told the truth that while we are not perfect, don’t always get it right but keep plugging away at it, their raison ‘d’etre ceases to exist. They aren’t heroes, and they aren’t important.

They are just like the rest of us.

The shrill extremes on either side will continue their ‘sky is falling’ song and the rest of us will focus on doing the best we can. We’ll muddle our way through while the extremes will be forever miserable.

Poetic (and perhaps Divine) justice.