
22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012 [49% for an Atheist]

EiMitch6/26/2011 6:47:59 pm PDT

49% won’t vote for us atheists, huh? What, have we got ethereal cooties?

Do you think that supernatural hypocrites have a monopoly on morality? Like Gingrich and the Koch brothers?

Do you still believe that cold-war era McCarthy bullcrap about how anyone who doesn’t believe in god is a Marxist taking orders from the Kremlin? But if you’re expecting everyone to think the same or else be cast out, then what right have you to label anyone “socialist” or “communist”?

Or maybe, because I oppose fundies trying to cram the bible down my throat, you think that means I’m out to take your bible from you? Because there are no middle-ground options like “live and let live, and let each believe what they will”?

Perhaps, you think that if everyone was an evolution denying, bible-pounding, gay-bashing, xenophobic fundie, then everyone would magically return to being decent, moral people? Is your idea of morality all about people’s beliefs, and little about how we treat one another?

Seriously, grow up right-wingers. The causes of, and solutions to, societies problems are not that simple. Nor have they ever been. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have called western civilizations most devout times “The Dark Ages.”