
House Republicans Pushing 'Let Women Die' Bill

Ming10/13/2011 11:27:17 am PDT

I’m a long-time pesca-vegetarian, and I can’t even imagine the mindset that would deny medical care to someone who needs it, especially if they’re right there in the emergency room.

It’s even harder to imagine what kind of person would deny medical care to a pregnant woman. This is of course a very fragile condition for both mother and baby. There is no “extra time” to perform a litmus test of the mother’s political views about abortion.

As the post mentions, in theory, any possible problem in a pregnancy could easily trigger suspicions that the woman wanted to terminate the pregnancy. If a pregnant woman, in great pain, blurts out something that sounds less than 100% enthusiastic about the pregnancy, this will be enough to put her under “political suspicion”.

The “religious right” reminds me more and more of the Soviet Union every day.