
Senior Hamas leader calls for third intifada

Buck12/27/2012 11:54:09 am PST

re: #14 War On Music

So, some Palestinians don’t have the right to vote

Wow… I just assumed you would know that the only Palestinian Arabs who don’t have the right to vote are the one that live OUTSIDE of Israel.

Gaza Arab Palestinians
Lebanon Arab Palestinians
Syria Arab Palestinians
Egypt Arab Palestinians

I am not even sure they get to vote in Iraq, but there is a better chance of that than in Gaza.

The only Arab Palestinians who don’t get to vote in Israel are the one who refused citizenship. Even the Arab Palestinians who hold resident cards get to vote in municipal election.

Can I repeat that? Some Arab Palestinians refused citizenship. There are more than a million who did not. They get to vote and are not suppressed in any way.

Only two choices here. Either you don’t know what Apartheid means, or you are an antisemite that likes to throw that around knowing that it is slander.

Apartheid like policies would be criminal in Israel. However that sort criminal activity is being perpetrated BY THE LEADERS of the Arab Palestinians. How many Jews do you think will be allowed to live in ‘Palestine’? Do you really think any Jew will be able to run for office in the PA? I would bet that Jews will not be allowed to own properties, or have citizenship. Certainly the Palestinian PEOPLE deserve rights, and justice. It is the PA (PLO), Hamas, and Islamic Jihad who are against equal rights, rule of law, democracy and justice. Not the Israelis.

Also, yes, I think America and Canada have a historic issue of Apartheid that we need to deal with at home as well as abroad. My criticism of Israeli Apartheid does not exclude criticism of American Apartheid and Canadian Apartheid (why should one single out Israel?)

That paragraph probably means you don’t know what the term means.