
Fantastic Negrito: "Chocolate Samurai" - Late Show #PlayAtHome

lawhawk6/22/2020 6:21:07 am PDT

re: #17 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips

Iā€™m a true blue Yankee fan, and looking back, to see how George treated black players and their families was disgraceful. That he treated Junior so poorly and differently from Greg Nettlesā€™ kid, is nuts.

Now imagine had Steinbrenner done the right thing and treated Griffey and his son properly? Who knows what would have happened. Junior might never have gone to Seattle. He might have seen NYC as the place to be, not the place to destroy over his career - and he took delight in destroying us time and again. It was a sight to behold - that was one of the sweetest swings Iā€™ve ever seen.